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发布时间:2024-08-14 09:00:34 浏览:100


BR: Best regards

BTW: By the way

ASAP: as soon as possible 尽快

AEAP: as early as possible 尽快

AQAP: as quick as possible 越快越好

FYR: For your reference 供您参考

FYI: For your information 供您参考

AWB: Air Way Bill 空运提单

B/L: Bill of Lading 海运提单

L/C: Letter of Credit 信用证

L/G: Letter of Guarantee 保函

ETA:Expected Time of Arrival 预计到港时间

ETD:Estimated Time of Departure 估计离港时间

ETB:Estimated Time on Board 预计装船时间

ATA:Actual Time of Arrival 实际到港时间

ATD:Actual Time of Departure 实际离港时间

PI: Proforma Invoice 形式发票

CI: Commercial Invoice 商业发票

PL: Packing List 装箱单

SC: Sales Contract 销售合同

PO: Purchase Order 采购订单

Tks: Thanks 谢谢

Ab: About 关于

Add: Address 地址

QTY: Quantity 数量

PKG: package 一包,一捆,一扎,一件

CTN: Carton 纸箱

PCS: piece/pieces 只/个/支

Ack: Acknowledgement 承认

cu.m: cubic meter 立方米

approx: approximate 大概

DOZ/DZ: Dozen 一打

EOY: end of year 年尾/年底

EOS: end of season 季末

EOM: end of month 月底

EXP: export 出口

IMP: import 进口

Max: Maximum 最大

Min: Minimum 最小

NR/NO: Number

REP: Reply 回复

Acc: Account 账号

C&F: Cost & Freight 成本加运费价

C/D: Customs Declaration 报关单

G.W.: Gross Weight 毛重

N.W.: Net Weight 净重

GM: General Manager 总经理

FOB: Free on Board 船上交货

CFR: Cost and Freight 成本加运费

CIF: Cost Insurance and Freight 成本,保险费加运费 (俗称"到岸价")

OMG: Oh My God

RFQ: Request For Quote 报价请求

RFI: Request For Information 信息请求